Days are longer, sun is out, seeds are sprouting... Spring cleaning time!
Don't just toss stuff out, though. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
City of Chicago Blue Cart recycling will take your
> Cardboard > Paper > Metal Cans + Foil > Glass Bottles + Jars
> Plastic Containers > Milk/Juice Cartons.
But - no plastic bags, no food waste, no e-waste.
Learn more at www.recyclebycity.com/chicago

Any kind of plastic
> grocery bag > produce bag > bread bags > bubble-wrap
> plastic bottles + caps
> plastic wrap > ziploc bags
> dry-cleaning bags
> newspaper bags > ice bags > salt bags > cereal bags
> plastic overwrap from cases.
No Styrofoam (polystyrene) or Saran Wrap (cling wrap).
"Remember that harder plastics, like bottles, containers and lids, go in your curbside bin, while flexible plastics, like wraps and bags, get recycled at major stores.”
The Chicago location is open 24/7 and located at 7575 S. Kostner
See the suburban locations too (Skokie, Winnetka, Western Springs, Glenview, Highland Park). Just no packing peanuts : (

Recycle your drugs and medications at a local police station
And if you can, don't get any of this stuff in the first place.
Now go outside and enjoy spring!

All images licensed Creative Commons on Flickr
From top:
Spring Cleaning by Blue Mountains Library
Bag Monster - Will Parker
Bag Monster at the Landfill
Icerine warbler by hedera.baltica