End of school comes fast and there's so much stuff to purge. But most of it is still good -- someone would want it, right?
Your trash could be someone else's treasure with SOGO!, the Creative Chicago Reuse Exchange's annual End of School Year Classroom + Locker Cleanout / Donation Drive.

Backpacks, binders, books, pens, test tubes, desks or dioramas... CCRx will take in whatever you have that is clean, safe and working but "too good to toss."
It's simple! Put boxes in the hallways during locker clean-out. Label them -- "Pencils, Pens, Markers" "Paper" "Books" "Tools" (Calculators, Rulers, Scissors), "Backpacks" etc. Keep them out for a while. Share what you get with your school first -- let everyone take whatever they want.
Then box up the rest, make a Donation Appointment and bring it to CCRx. We'll test + organize everything for our annual Fall Back to School Teacher Supply Giveaway!
Make it a learning experience with awareness campaigns (posters, announcements, etc.), weighing and tracking, etc.
Questions? Email us or Sign up here and we'll send you a SOGO Tool Kit