What do you do with non-working strings of holiday lights (after you’ve tried replacing broken bulbs and fuses)? Recycle them with us by dropping them off Jan 1 - Jan. 31 at CCRx -- or one of more than 30 locations in more than 20 neighborhoods across Chicago.
The good folks at Reduce Waste Chicago are holding their 4th annual (non-working) Holiday Lights Collection
(Last year they collected more than 3,000 pounds of lights from 24 locations!)
You can drop your non-working lights off during regular working hours. Check out their website for additional locations.
Important Notes:
✅ Try replacing bulbs and fuses first. All light sets come with extras
✅ Separate lights from any other decor, garland or wreaths
🚫 No plastic bags
🚫 No cardboard packaging
Know of a business or organization that would like to be a drop off location? Have them fill out this application and let us know!