There are so many ways to creatively reuse materials.

CCRx is pleased to present an array of workshops for all ages that use everything from #6 plastic to old blue jeans to old books and binders. There is sure to be one that is just right for you!
2/15 Puppets Unleashed with Chio and Agnotti from Opera-matic
2/22 Maze Adventure with Aleksandra Walaszek
3/15 Shrinky Dinks with Jessica Woodburn
3/22 Eco-Chic Cushions: Sewing Pillows from Denim Scraps with SImone GAur
4/12 Bird Making: Bird Collision in the Anthropocene with Jackie Riffice
4/19 Green Storytelling: Writing About Nature with Jen Cullerton Johnson
5/10 Fabulous Mother's Day Cards with Brenda Ward
5/24 Jump into Junk Journals! with Amanda Murphyao
Workshops are Saturdays, $20 including all materials. You can learn more and sign up here.
Got an idea for a workshop you'd like to teach? Propose it here!