Now thru 8/31 @ Chicago Art Department, 1926 S. Halsted

See the fantastic handmade Shag Rugs and Pillows made by the artists of Envision Unlimited, on display at the Chicago Art Department through August 31.
These statement pieces are 100% repurposed fibers made by the artists of Envision Unlimited, our partner in West Englewood. Hand knotted, in all the colors of the rainbow and deeper than any rug you have ever encountered. On the wall, on your floor, draped over the sofa or transforming a folding chair -- these rugs will be perfect shaggy nests when winter winds blow.
The rugs come in all sizes and colors and can be shipped to out of state customers. And yes, you can commission your own custom carpet! Prices start at $50 and up.
Questions / Commissions? Contact Monika Thomas.
Some of our lovely artists modeling their masterpieces...
